I grew up on a farm.

My education: Bachelor’s of Engineering at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Notable accomplishments: 2006-07 Schomberg Minor Hockey Association – Most Sportsmanlike Player

Why Flow? Flow places importance on human values and provides a healthy environment to learn and grow.

What put me on the path to engineering: I intended on studying political science before my sister encouraged me to pursue engineering.

What I like about system design: The story behind every single design decision.

A favourite moment in engineering: Area Moment of Inertia.

A project that has had an effect on me? I learn so much from every project.

I’m influenced by: Consciousness of the fact we’re alive.

When I’m not working you can find me: Reading or making hummus.

I’m my best self: When wearing sweatpants.

Quote that guides me right now: “the incomprehensible is incomprehensible, and we know that already.” – Franz Kafka