On November 17, 2020, Council approved the Climate Emergency Action Plan. This puts Vancouver on track to reduce our carbon pollution by 50% by 2030, in alignment with the findings of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to limit global warming to 1.5° C. This plan means change. It means residents, businesses and the City doing our part to transition off fossil fuels.
Change is Coming: Vancouver’s Climate Emergency Action Plan

According to City of Vancouver’s emission inventory, a majority of the city’s carbon pollution is generated from natural gas in buildings. This current arrangement creates a tremendous opportunity for existing buildings to drive the reduction in carbon pollution. At Flow, we are committed to pushing the boundaries on decarbonization while using proven and reliable systems to obtain realistic yet impactful savings.
As part of the engineering community, our mandate is to assist in decarbonizing existing buildings and enable landlords to avoid purchasing carbon credits to offset their emission reduction shortfalls. Our approach emphasizes leveraging end-of-life equipment replacements as an opportunity to guide existing buildings to implement various energy conservation measures. However, these measures come with an added cost that cannot always be monetarily justified by the building owner under conventional means.

To assist with offsetting the cost of energy conservation measures, the Government of BC has set up the cleanBC program with the aim of using more clean and renewable energy within buildings. Under this program, our team works alongside BC Hydro and Fortis BC to carry out in-depth energy studies and savings calculations to demonstrate the energy consumption reduction of potential system modifications and additions.
How much money is on the table through this program? Depending on the incremental cost and estimated energy consumption reduction, incentives of up to $500,000 per energy conservation measure are available!

The Flow team is currently working alongside various building owners including Bentall Green Oak, Hudson Pacific Properties, Township of Langley and City of Surrey to carry out energy studies under the Clean BC program. We encourage you to get in touch and find out more.